
We are Phasics, a startup based in St. John’s, Newfoundland, trying to reduce food waste and carbon footprint.


What do we do?


We engineer artificial intelligence-based solutions to fight climate change. We are committed to bringing technology to people for a better tomorrow.

Do we waste food?

Annually, in Newfoundland

155k tonnes of organic waste is produced

294.5k tonnes of carbon emissions

580 kgs of organic waste per household

1,100kgs of carbon emissions per household

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Our Solution


Phasics is a mobile-based application that keeps a real-time inventory of your perishable food items from the moment you buy them until you use them. It helps you to keep track of your food items in the order of their expiry date and suggests recipes from all over the world based on your cuisine likes, inventory, difficulty level, time, and nutritional requirement.

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These are just the tip of the Iceberg - We have so much more to give!

Seed Funding


We are proud to say that we won seed funding from Mount pearl Hackathon and the NL study and stay program*.*

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Make in Newfoundland initiative.


Shivam Arora

Raghul Suraj

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